Any time you acquire a brand new cloud web hosting, it's generated on a server and the process normally takes some time, not mentioning the confirmation and processing of your transaction, which many companies execute manually. When you purchase a dedicated server, for example, the setup takes longer as the machine must be built, installed and tried to make sure that it'll work efficiently. Because of this, numerous suppliers have a one-time fee to cover the time and efforts used on your new account. The cost, which can sometimes be quite high, is generally not mentioned on the front page, but you'll find it on your checkout or payment page, which means that you won't be aware of it before you've already completed the whole signup process and you can even overlook it unless you pay attention.
Setup Fee in Cloud Web Hosting
If you get a cloud web hosting plan from us, the final price that you will have to pay throughout the checkout will be exactly the same as the one you have already viewed on our main page as well as on every other page on our website. The payment processing as well as the account creation on our outstanding cloud hosting platform are almost completely automatic, that's why we think that charging you any installation fees will be rather unreasonable. Even if you order a couple of accounts at once, you won't be expected to spend any money for the installation or for any other kind of concealed fees for that matter. It is our principle that being honest with each and every customer since the very beginning is far more important than acquiring a few extra dollars.