When you have a web site or maybe an app, speed is important. The faster your web site functions and also the faster your applications function, the better for you. Considering that a site is a group of files that connect with one another, the systems that store and access these files have a vital role in website operation.

Hard drives, or HDDs, have been, right up until recent years, the most trusted products for saving data. Nevertheless, lately solid–state drives, or SSDs, are actually becoming more popular. Have a look at our assessment chart to check out if HDDs or SSDs are more suitable for you.

1. Access Time


Due to a revolutionary new method of disk drive operation, SSD drives permit for noticeably faster file accessibility speeds. Having an SSD, data file accessibility instances are much lower (under 0.1 millisecond).


HDD drives rely on spinning disks for files storage uses. Every time a file will be utilized, you have to wait around for the appropriate disk to reach the right position for the laser beam to access the file involved. This ends in a typical access speed of 5 to 8 milliseconds.

2. Random I/O Performance


Due to the brand new radical data storage approach shared by SSDs, they give you quicker file access speeds and better random I/O performance.

All through our lab tests, all SSDs confirmed their capacity to handle no less than 6000 IO’s per second.


Hard drives present slower data access rates due to aging file storage space and accessibility concept they are making use of. And in addition they illustrate considerably reduced random I/O performance compared to SSD drives.

Throughout our tests, HDD drives maintained around 400 IO operations per second.

3. Reliability


The lack of moving components and rotating disks within SSD drives, and also the current improvements in electric interface technology have generated a significantly safer file storage device, with a common failure rate of 0.5%.


HDD drives utilize rotating disks for holding and reading through files – a concept going back to the 1950s. Along with disks magnetically suspended in mid–air, rotating at 7200 rpm, the likelihood of something failing are generally bigger.

The standard rate of failure of HDD drives can vary amongst 2% and 5%.

4. Energy Conservation


SSD drives are far small compared to HDD drives as well as they don’t have just about any moving parts at all. Because of this they don’t create just as much heat and need considerably less power to work and fewer power for chilling reasons.

SSDs use up between 2 and 5 watts.


From the minute they were designed, HDDs were always really energy–ravenous systems. And when you have a web server with a couple of HDD drives, this tends to add to the month–to–month power bill.

Typically, HDDs take in somewhere between 6 and 15 watts.

5. CPU Power


SSD drives allow for a lot quicker data accessibility rates, which generally, in return, allow the processor to complete file calls much faster and then to return to different jobs.

The normal I/O wait for SSD drives is actually 1%.


By using an HDD, you need to devote extra time looking forward to the outcome of your data file query. It means that the CPU will stay idle for much more time, waiting for the HDD to respond.

The typical I/O wait for HDD drives is around 7%.

6.Input/Output Request Times


In the real world, SSDs operate as perfectly as they have for the duration of our testing. We ran an entire platform backup on one of our production web servers. During the backup procedure, the regular service time for any I/O requests was under 20 ms.


During the very same lab tests sticking with the same server, this time around equipped out utilizing HDDs, effectiveness was significantly reduced. During the web server back–up procedure, the common service time for I/O calls varied between 400 and 500 ms.

7. Backup Rates


You can easily experience the real–world benefits to having SSD drives on a daily basis. For example, with a server pre–loaded with SSD drives, a complete backup will take merely 6 hours.


Throughout the years, we have got used predominantly HDD drives on our servers and we’re knowledgeable of their efficiency. With a web server pre–loaded with HDD drives, a complete server back–up will take about 20 to 24 hours.

Our cloud web hosting accounts offer SSD drives automatically. Be a part of our family here, at Hostnuke, to check out the way we just might help you transform your site.

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